The film Hachiko represents the love and friendship between a music teacher and an Akita breed dog, found abandoned and raised by his master. The dog was named Hachiko, due to the fact that Hachi was written on its collar, meaning the number 8 in Japanese, but at the same time it is a lucky dog, being the 8th dog born.

The dog became very attached to his family, especially to the music teacher. He loved him so much that he followed him to the train station every morning and waited for him there until he returned from work in the afternoon. One day the music teacher had a fatal heart attack but this dog waited for him in the station for 9 years until he succumbed and died, impressing all the people in the station and giving them a lesson in loyalty, love and devotion.

It is one of the few films that does not show rapes, scandals, fights and many disgusting things, but shows love, understanding, dedication, attachment, loyalty and compassion, which are the noblest feelings one can have. The fact that the dog waited 9 years for his beloved master shows the pure soul of animals, proving that they can sometimes be better than people, because a person gets over a loss much faster and is not as loyal to the missing person as Hachi was.

The source of inspiration for this movie is a real case that took place in Japan. After the dog's death, it was embalmed and can be seen at one of the most visited Japanese museums. A statue was erected to this dog in Shabuya station, and both the dog and the Akita breed are considered symbols of Japan.

We recommend this film, even if you have watched it before, because it awakens the same emotions every time it is watched!

Iftime Ștefan Alexandru and Andrișoaia Lucian – 11C