“Even if I’m dying, until I actually die, I’m still living.”

Paul Sudhir Arul Kalanithi was an American neurosurgeon and writer whose only book, “When Breath Becomes Air”, is a memoir about his life and illness with stage IV lung cancer. By looking into Paul Kalanithi's life of love for neuroscience, literature and meaning of life, which ended from a terminal illness in his mid-thirties, "When Breath Becomes Air" lets you see what is really essential.

Paul Kalanithi wanted to be sure he left his piece of wisdom in a book when he learned he would pass away from cancer. Given his deteriorating health, writing it would not be simple. Throughout the book, Kalanithi discusses how it felt to get a fatal cancer diagnosis at the peak of his life and profession, when he still had a bright future ahead of him.

Kalanithi developed a passion for reading as a young person. Although he had made up his mind to major in literature, he discovered that human biology captured his attention as well. As a result of his enthusiasm, he took courses in neurology at Stanford University.

Kalanithi enjoyed thinking about crucial matters, such as the purpose of life, and sought guidance from both literature and science. He was aware that literature could not provide him with all the information. In order to fully understand human meaning, he needed to continue studying neuroscience and comprehend death. Kalanithi had worked with cadavers a lot while he was in medical school. After realizing how much power he would have to make life-or-death decisions, he found it difficult to determine who could be saved and who could not.

Throughout his residency years, he earned awards and even had a wonderful job offer waiting. After months of experiencing back pain, he discovered that he had lung cancer and he thought about what his next move should be. He was disturbed by not knowing how long he had left. He wanted to continue his practice but also be with his family. He slowly became both a doctor and a patient.

His wife, Lucy, gave birth to their daughter, Cady, and they became closer as a family. Kalanithi took advantage of his remaining moments and concentrated on his happiness around his loved ones. He died before finishing his book, but his wife described the epilogue of his life, focusing on the good parts of his last days.

Why do we recommend “When Breath Becomes Air”? This powerful book tells the story of an incredibly gifted man, whose life was taken away at such an early age, which might give you the motivation to live more fully. It will make you truly understand the importance of life and appreciate your family and friends more. Paul Kalanithi accepted his fate and hoped that, by reading his book, people will try to make the most of every moment.

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