

International Festival of Mathematics and Computer Science

The International Festival Mathematics and Computer Science >> PROGRAMME


PROGRAMME THE INTERNATIONAL FESTIVAL OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE   Monday, the 20th of February 2012 13.00 – Official opening of the DAYS OF THE COLLEGE – multimedia laboratory Launching the INFOPULS magazine Launching the Annual Launching the TNT magazine Launching the Monetary Themes magazine Tuesday, the 21st of February 2012 11.00 -  Exhibition of graphics “Lights and Shadows” Exhibition of photographic art 13.00 – “The Box with Ideas” -  Competition of projects in a foreign language – multimedia lab Competition of literary creation of “Glimpses”  literary circle – 21 Hall Wednesday, the 22nd of February 2012 13.00 – Competition of natural sciences [...]

The International Festival Mathematics and Computer Science >> PROGRAMME2012-02-07T05:21:02+02:00

The International Festival Mathematics and Computer Science >> METHODOLOGICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION SESSION


METHODOLOGICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION SESSION “VASILE ŢIFUI MEMORIAL”   “Education for excellence in a virtual learning environment”   Argument Innovation, the explosion of information generated by the use of the internet, the almost unlimited communication through computerised socialising networks and the unprecedented development of new technologies are the signs of a profound transformation at the level of the entire civilisation. This is transposed into a challenge addressed to the educational environment. Centred once around teachers, at other times around students, the educational act is nowadays addressed to all in equal measure, in the form of learning throughout the entire life. This [...]

The International Festival Mathematics and Computer Science >> METHODOLOGICAL AND SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION SESSION2013-01-25T09:52:59+02:00

Contact Info

Str. Mihai Viteazu Nr. 12, Piatra-Neamț, 610226

Phone: +40233227510

Mobile: +40371327991

Fax: +40233227529

Web: cni.nt.edu.ro

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